Our work:
MACS (Malawi Association for Christian Support)

Supporting health programmes
Livelihood support
Mothers Union and MACS trustee
Nursery children
Nursery new uniform

Finding major donors

Jacknella has helped MACS over several years with specific health and livelihood programmes. Finding the funds and right partners to enable projects to come to fruition.

"Jacknella always has creative ideas as to how to make things happen, the knack for the right connections for partners and funding. It's always fun and enjoyable partnering alongside Lynn."
Eileen Eggington, Project Officer, MACS.

MACS (Malawi Association for Christian Support) is a charity committed to supporting the people of Malawi through education, training, sustainable community development and health programmes.

More of our work
Fundraising tips

Creative ideas.
We never stop thinking of new and innovative ways to help you raise funds.